The address of each cottage is shown below. Be sure to confirm the name of your cottage on your bill.
1-Chalet Equinox: 17 Gabrielle-Roy Road, Petite-Rivière-Saint-François
2-Chalet Iko: 93 Jacques-Labreque Road, Petite-Rivière-Saint-François
3-Chalet Métis: 13 Gabrielle-Roy Road, Petite-Rivière-Saint-François
4-Chalet Héméra: 15 Gabrielle-Roy Road, Petite-Rivière-Saint-François
5-Chalet Helios: 84 Trait-Carré Road, Petite-Rivière-Saint-François
** You can also enter the name of your cottage directly in Google and ask for directions **
You must use the plowed path, indicated here in blue from the Chemin de la Martine (the paths in red are not cleared of snow). During storms, road conditions can be altered. A team of snow-clearers will take care of coming to plow the accesses and the entrance of the chalet. At Chalet Equinox, it is important to park at the top of the road, facing the house. If your vehicle does not have a 4x4 system, be sure to park in an easily accessible location.